Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day

Since it was memorial weekend and Jeff didn't have to work on Monday, we decided we would head up north for the weekend. We spent Friday at Jeff's brothers home and spent Saturday hanging out with his family and with our good friends Cody and Robyn and there 2 adorable girls.

Me and Isaac

Cody, Addi and Oakley.

Robyn and Addi.

Saturday day night we drove to Logan and spent Sunday and Monday at my parents.

Isaac after drinking his yogurt.

My parents have church at 1:00 so Isaac didn't get a nap until we headed to the canyon for a picnic.

Sitting by the campfire roasting our hot dogs.

My parents.

Grandma and Isaac throwing rocks in the river.

Roz and Sam being fish



and Penguins


Best Friends

Sam and I


Silly siblings.

Best Buddies

Great Sport.

Swinging in Grandmas and Grandpas backyard.

Our drive home Monday afternoon.


  1. Those are such cute pictures! I can't believe how big Sam is getting! How old is he now?? I bet it was great fun spending time with your family! Where did you go up the canyon? Looks like you guys had a super fun time! (=

  2. Hey...wait a minute...where are Isaac's scrapes and scratches? Has the boy forgotten how boy's play? :)

    What a cute little guy!!
